Saturday 29 January 2011


Yesterday I had an exciting outing with Annie to Panorama - the Veneto's equivalent of Asda. We just missed the free bus so bought tickets to go on the regular bus which came within a few minutes. Instead of going over the bridge to the mainland we went round the back of the city to Troncchetto where we waited, doors open & there is a bitter wind for ten minutes, then we went back to Ple. Le Roma before going to the supermarket. What an adventure!

We had loveley, cheap coffee & brioche at Brek (restaurant) before having a good look around. Everything was much cheaper than in Venice and there was a great selection. At the cash till Annie had forgotten to have her pomegranite weighed so I went off to do that - but had to find them first to see what number it was. My turn and I couldn't find my purse. The people in the queue behind were definately going, English aaahh!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Kath, what an adventure you had going to the Panorama; it must have taken up most of the day. You will have to make sure you catch the free bus next time.

    We had a really lovely service today, the preacher was Linda Guy. We knew all the hymns,which were very uplifting. Sylvia has lost her voice, but is ok. Joyce looked ok too.

    Love Bev
