Thursday 17 March 2011

Back at my laptop

This week has not been great. A week last Monday I got a bite, matter came out and I expected it to heal. But numerous visits to the farmacia, cream, cold presses and hot salt presses failed to make it better.
I did ask on Tuesday if I should take some antibiotics but he said no. Yesterday he said I needed some and had to see a docotor at the hospital emergency room. I called two friends and Rosie met me there. It was going to be a long wait they were mobbed. Then she remembered a doctor who would visit you, so we rang her and arranged to meet at Palanca in the bar. It was a terrible day, so wet I was soaked. After she had taken a look we went into the farmacia and in the back they let her clean it for me and I took away peroxide to continue cleaning to remove hard scab and let out the poison.

Today I didn't feel any better and called her. She rang the hospital but it was a Bank Holiday and there was no one on duty to lance it for me so I have to go again tomorrow. She told me to get some different anti biotics too. I take the first in half an hour.

I couldn't believe how ill I felt, I don't think I could have got myself to the hospital earlier but I do feel brighter now. I got a toasted sandwich when I went for the tablets and had a short walk. I really hope they are kicking in and I will feel better.

I was having two new friends over to dinner tonight but I had to cancel which was a shame.

I must be feeling better as I couldn't be bothered to write anything for a few days. I have a couple more ramblings I want to write about so i shall start on those, something more amusing!

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