Wednesday 2 March 2011

The wind

Tuesday was extremely windy, and still is.

I went off to the islands but wasn't able to see what I wanted to because the water was too rough.
I plan to try again on Friday when the wind should have dropped.

On my way back I saw a small boat struggling to tun into the canal at Colonna, Murano and almost flipped backwards. It was scary on the motoscafi coming back as they aren't very stable and can overturn. Mike was telling me that recently this happened and there were deaths with those down in the cabin. I said I would be okay as I always stayed on top so I would be able to swim away!

But yesterday afternoon it was so cold, lots of spray and wind I was driven to stand on the steps going down into the cabin. I didn't actually go inside. Luckily I chose the right side as the ladies standing accross got soaked from the spray!
My lips tasted of salt and my glasses were so dirty I could hardly see, they had a coat of salt too.

I did wonder where my washing that I had left out would be, luckily it was pegged and the stand had blown over then one of the huge pots containing a tree had blown on top so all was safe.

I stood up the pot and dragged the stand and tangled washing inside and after sorting it the floor was covered in twigs, leaves and dirt. I dragged the rug outside to shake and swept the remaining through the door but most blew straighht back in! The pot blew over again so there it remains until the wind stops which looks like Friday morning.

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