Friday 11 March 2011

Burano and Torcello

I always enjoy a day on the Islands of the Lagoon and they are interesting whatever the weather. Last week I went twice. I wanted to go to the island of the Franciscan Monks but the Tuesday although it started of sunny the wind came up and the small boat was unable to go out.
Burano nestles in the lonely expanse of the northern lagoon and is the most islands colourful of the lagoon.

It is distinguished from a distance by the tall dramatically leaning tower of its church. In contrast to the desolate Torcello the island is densely populated, its waterways lined by brightly painted houses.

It didn't really matter because after having a delicious lunch of my favourite - lasagne I walked around and took photographs and then took the ferry over to Torccello.

Views of Burano

After having lunch and a walk around Burano I went off on the ferry to Torcello.

The canal leading to the church at Torcello has been under repair for the last fifteen years and it is great now to see it finished. Here is the end of the canal, a view through the loggia at Santa Fosca and the facades of the duoma Santa maria della Assunta and Santa Fosca.

Torcello was the first island in the lagoon to be inhabited in the 5th and 6th centuries and grew into a thriving colony with palaces, churches and a population thought to reached 20,000. Now there are just a few houses, restaurants and 48 people living there. I also saw several for sale signs so anyone wishing to live in a remote spot with thousands of visitors here's your place!
It is only eight miles accross the lagoon but it takes a full day. I set out at 09.45 and it was 7pm when i finally walked through my door, exhausted!

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