Friday 11 March 2011

Catching up

I have had a friend, Jennifer staying this week so have been busy out and about and no time to write up the blog. The weather improved dramatically from last week and so she has seen the sun. Tuesday evening we went to the Junghans Theatre round the corner from my apartment to a show from which pantomime would have originated. It was in Italian, rather bawdy but wonderfully acted, their timings were perfect. it was about twins separated at birth, one went to Constantinople and then grown up they met in Venice. There were women dressed as men, men as women and it was all rather complicated but certainly different.

We have also been to La Fenice to La Boheme and a concert of The Four Seasons. I also tried to find slightly more unusual visits - The Greci Museum of Icons, Ca' Rezzonico, glass blowing and the supermarket. I think she is also amazed at how many people I know!

Tonight we are going for a pizza and Jen leaves in the morning.

I will be straight back to clean and prepare a meal for my visitors Saturday evening.

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