Wednesday 9 February 2011

The Fog

At Ca' Rezzonico and San Marco

The fog came in yesterday, so thick the vaporretto driver had to use radar to cross the Bacino San Marco. It was scary crossing the Guidecca canal Monday morning as the vap is crossing and all the other boats are going up and down the canal.

I had to go out as I had an appointment at the chiropodist - all this walking had given me a corn. She did a great job. I had fun booking the appointment over the phone - Sgr Poli has no English & I thought the time was 10.30 am but I needed to be sure so I ran out of my apartment & found someone on his boat who spoke English & confirmed the time for me with the signora!

Later in the afternoon I went out again for some more atmospheric shots and it was bitterley cold.

Today the sky is blue the sun shining and so warm I was sat on the Zatterre for an hour reading and took off my fleece. back at the apartment I have sat out on the terrace twice today even though it is not in the sun the temperature is so much warmer.

Monday outside my apartment

Same view today!

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