Saturday 5 February 2011

No view

The bar, the view and from the vaporretto looking back
Last Monday it was a beautiful day so I took the llong ride round to Colonna on Murano. There is a little bar there where the food is okay but the view is great.
Not this week the view is shrouded in orange netting they are working on the lagoon wall.
I get another vaporretto wrong way round, thought i would get off at navagerro, a bar there does wonderfuk pumpkin soup. Not today, closed. I stay on and get off at the next stop, Faro - lighthouse. The bar there has no tables outside. I walk uo tothe crentre and window shop mmy way of glass back to the first bar where i sit looking at orange netting.
Back in Venice I get off at S Toma and stroll down through campo Santa Margatita, looking at shop, would have bought frittelle in Tonolo but it too was closed. I saunter down to Billa for a couple of things and think I will walk down the Zatterre annd enjoy the sun.
I realise it is 4.25 and Annie & Mike are collecting me in twenty minutes. Just made it back & changed.
The speaker at the Circolo was not the best & five of us left laughing to go to dinner to celebrate Mike's birthday. Reastaurant closed! Sums up my day. We found another one and enjoyed the rest of the evening.

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