Friday 11 February 2011

The Palanca

My dinner party seemed to go well last night. Two of them called this morning on thier way back home and were not ill. I bought some beautiful amenomes yesterday on the Palanca and the apartment looked pretty in the candle light. I also bought a glass vase to put them in and I am going to do a deal with Annie for it when I leave!

Shopping on the Palanca. This is an area overlooking the Guidecca canal from the vaporretto stop to the next bridge each way. There are all the shops you need, bakers, butchers, hardware, picture framing, hairdressers clothes, shoes, newsagents, tabac, bars and restaurants among others. In a morning the area is very busy with shoppers, like it was in villages in England fifty years ago. I don't have to ask for my cafe americano now in Bar Palanca! They do food at lunchtimes which is excellent. There is also a pizza take away which is good to take one home & watch TV.

Tonight Friday I am going to a concert at the Malibran theatre, the music of Prokofiev and Ravel.

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